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Product Type: Pathology Specific Orthoses

Product Type: Pathology Specific Orthoses

Plantar Fasciitis due to Forefoot Valgus

The orthosis for treating plantar fasciitis due to forefoot valgus should plantarflex the first ray which brings the first metatarsal head closer to the calcaneus reducing plantar fascia tension. It

Posterior Tibialis Dysfunction

This orthosis is designed to reduce the extreme pronatory forces associated with  posterior tibialis dysfunction, often referred to a adult acquired flatfoot. The combination of increased width, deep heel cup


This orthosis is designed to treat sesamoiditis by reducing pressure on the first metatarsal head by transferring pressure proximally to the metatarsal necks and/or laterally to the other metatarsal heads.

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

This orthosis is designed to reduce excessive pronatory forces that contribute to sinus tarsi syndrome. The Sinus Tarsi Syndrome device has a milled polypropylene shell and includes the following prescription:

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

The orthosis designed to treat tarsal tunnel syndrome decreases heel eversion, prevents medial arch collapse, and encourages mild ankle plantarflexion. This approach results in decreased tibial nerve traction and is

Calcaneal-Cuboid Pain Rx

For patients with chronic pain in the area of the calcaneocuboid joint, our treatment goal, regardless of the underlying etiology, is to minimize motion of the calcaneocuboid joint and transfer pressure